Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Children Of The Light

And we can build a world that is right, We can be the children of the light

The last thing the world ever expected was for a group of skinny, swollen haired yougsters, lead by a short, whinny voiced twelve year old to rule the 70's in the same fashion the Beatles dominated the 60's. The world just wasn't ready for the ridiculous amount of talent these young men possessed. Who do I speak of you ask?? Why, only the Jackson 5 of course! Once upon a time The Jackson 5 were all the rage. In fact some of you who read this blog can remember the days of Jackson Mania, Maybe even you were a victim of the Teeny boppers charisma. I am a Jackson fan of a new generation. When the J5ive were in there hayday I wasn't even a mere thought but I have found myself to have fallen madly in love with the soulful sounds of these brothers. My intentions for this blog is present this Funky, Bad(In a very good way!) group to  a younger generation and maybe help the older generation fall in love with these boys again. Lets face it, every boy band, or band for that matter that has come after the Jackson 5 has not since been able to hold a candle to these boys. Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael each hold their own candle that shines brighter than any other group. In their own sense they are the children of the light. The Jackson 5 is truly an example of how children can pave the  way for a new generation and generations to come. So come with me, take my hand and allow me to introduce you to a group of boys that together shine bright.

Well some of you are familiar with the 5 and some are not. Either way what are your views on this blog or what group do you think shines bright? As Children or adults?? I'm open to all of your comments. Thanks for reading!


  1. It's always a good thing to look back and give credit to those who blazed a path for future this case, follow. The Jackson 5 were great indeed. What is your favorite song by them?

    1. They definately were a great group. All of their songs are great. My choice of favorite songs changes over time but I'd have to say as of now my favorite song is "Mamma's Pearl". Thank you for commenting!

  2. Wow my mom used to love this group! its sad that mj died because this group had so much good music and probably could have done a reunion this year.

    1. I don't think I will ever stop loving this group! It was a very sad day when Michael died. It will be three years next month. Actually they are having a reunion this year. It called the "Unity" and it will have the remaining brothers. I really wish Michael could see it. They are suposed to be in Atlanta this summer. I wish I could go see them. Thanks for commenting!

  3. You have a very good taste in music. I too am a fan of the Jackson five and their very entertaining music

    1. Thank you! Finally I meet a fellow fan! I really thought I was the only fan of this generation! Thank you for commenting!

  4. wow your blog is so amazing so colorful and full of flavor. i love the jackson five idea and i also love their music as well

    1. Thank you! Yours is very pretty also. Yay!! More fans!! Thanks for commenting!

  5. Your Blog is Gorgeous ! &&' by The Way , The Jackson Five in my Opinion Paved The Way For A lot of Male Group Singers . They Were Very Inspirational , Just As You Are To Others ^.^

    1. Thank you so much! I'm flattered. But yes, the Jackson 5 have paved the way for all singers. Thanks for commenting!
